Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Idea for Act Two

Act Two is about divorced sisters traveling the day after Christmas from their mom's house to their dads house. They get snowed in an have to spend the night in the airport, they get put in a room with many other divorced children. All they have is eachother.


  1. Cool idea. I would be a little concerned on how these acts are going to relate in a spread (I am having this problem with mine too). Maybe you could try illustrating this story instead of using real pictures..??

  2. I like how realistic it looks (i.e. the reflection on the door) I'm not sure about the snow though.. if it's going to look that realistic than putting snow in the hallway seems strange. If that room isn't in a hallway, I'm not sure about the large window in the door. Other than that, I like it.. it denotes the feeling of travel or being stranded.
